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  1. M

    Shivers and chills, not mastitis

    @xwarli Much better thank you! I didn’t take the abx as the fever and chills luckily didn’t come back. The redness and swelling went down little by little as I continued to feed on the bad side, but it’s still painful on my nipple. Keeping up with the lansinoh nipple cream and hoping for the best!
  2. M

    Shivers and chills, not mastitis

    @mrix Thank you for your advice. I’ll keep up with a cold compress and paracetamol. At least the nipple has healed somewhat so hopefully can feed properly that side!
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    Shivers and chills, not mastitis

    @vigilant4christ379 Sorry, didn’t see your comment! Thanks so much for all the info and advice! I actually started fevering again and felt absolutely awful so started the abx. Still on them until next week but feeling miles better. Swelling and pain has gone, nipple still not 100% but think the...
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    Shivers and chills, not mastitis

    @vigilant4christ379 Thank you very much for this info, really appreciated! I saw my GP this morning and he’s given me a course of abx, but said it’s up to me if I take them as I don’t have a temp, chills/shivering have abated and I’m working out the blockage with feeding. Just weighing up the...
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    Shivers and chills, not mastitis

    @anonymouswife Thank you so much, I’ll contact the doctor first thing tomorrow
  6. M

    Shivers and chills, not mastitis

    Hi. Owing to a bad nighttime side feeding latch, I developed a blocked duct. I’ve been feeding through the pain but now that nipple is cracked and bleeding. It’s super painful. I don’t think I have mastitis, no swelling or redness on the breast, but I feel very shivery with chills. I’ve been...