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  1. M

    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 Things I do to help the laundry situation. Wear things multiple times before washing. Kid clothes are usually washed after 1 wear but adult clothes only get washed when dirty. Me and dad are both OK with wearing the same clothes multiple days. Don't fold anything you don't need to-...
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    I’m boring

    @antnf8900 If you have nothing to talk about other than your kid, ask questions. Most people like to talk about themselves. Asking questions makes you seem interested, which is better than having interesting things to say. You will also learn more about some one which builds more bonds which is...
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    I’m boring

    @marisasa Agreed. I might talk about some podcast I heard and only half remember too often... but non parents probably rather hear about that than kid stuff. And it makes those mindless tasks so much less boring.
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    If I Could Send a Shopping List Back in Time

    @vadadell White noise is a lifesaver... but a radio that isn't tuned is the best. The machines often are often irksome.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @chenml60 Look into a mamaroo. Used its not that expensive. Not meant for overnight sleep... but it Keeps your kid in motion. My kid hated everything but liked the mamaroo for a few months. First tried it around 10-12 weeks. Obviously nothing is a guarantee. Velcro babies are just that.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @chenml60 Does baby fall asleep on a long drive? On a long walk in a stroller? I held my kid for every nap (at least a year) until I realized motion worked. Then I would drive around or walk around the block until he was asleep. At 11 weeks I think there is only so much you can expect. But you...
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    Camping with an infant?

    @ecclesiastian We used this sleeping bag when our son was little and now use this sleep suit and this sleep suit now that our toddler walks.