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  1. M

    When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

    @londoj Around 6-7 months he'd regularly sleep over 8 hours (as long as he's been not sick), but he would have some nights where he slept 8 hrs starting around 10 weeks.
  2. M

    What are some games I can do for about 5-7 kids age 1-3 indoors with minimal space for a birthday party?

    @brokenheart1 Blocks, stickers, a small ball pit, trucks/cars.
  3. M

    5 week old spits up an hour later - a lot

    @sheolgrave Reflux can be pretty bad around that age. My pediatrician said that as long as baby is making 6-8 wet diapers a day, they're getting enough and that it'll pass. For my baby, the spitting up peaked at week 7, then started getting better. He also had a lot of gas and grunting around...