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  1. J

    Child Care is Expensive, or Why I Bought My Mother-In-Law a Car

    @sdw3 I have the option but I choose not to take it. My mother was effectively the main caregiver for my niece - minded her until 4 yo, then collected from school, did all the meals, etc. My brother and his wife completely took advantage of it. I bring my son to my parents regularly, and they...
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    2.5(f) has realised she can escape the cot

    @mikeydb As soon as they start climbing out of the cot they need to have a bed, whatever form it takes. No question about that. The issue is that the child will be excited about the change and will be very unsettled for a while. My son took about 6 weeks to get over it before he started...
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    Teething for 2 months without any teeth to show for it, this is B A N A N A S

    @kathleenloveschrist Do you find Calpol makes a difference. We tried one night, but didn't notice any difference in his teething symptoms
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    Teething for 2 months without any teeth to show for it, this is B A N A N A S

    @bobrobert Disagree. Our little had his first top tooth about 3 - 4 weeks ago, and the other has been pressed against the skin since then but hasn't come through. All the signs are there, it's just taking a while. I wouldn't encourage people to get worried after one week, it can take much...
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    3.5 y/o sleep

    @akblessings Every child is different. I have two (different) friends whose children slept 12+ hours consistently since they were a few months old. No trouble, just easy sleepers. One's a girl, one's a boy. Our son was very difficult at the start: he needed contact sleep day and night for the...