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    New job mom guilt

    @billy123 I also think that I would be happier and that’s something I keep reminding myself - I deserve to be happy too. I would love a day to myself to get things done around the house that have been piling up for months now. Thank you for your response - After this post I am definitely...
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    New job mom guilt

    @oluyara I asked the head APP at my interview if she thought it would be possible and she was also pretty confident I could swing it. There is also so much PTO, if for some reason there was nothing else available I could always use a PTO day.
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    New job mom guilt

    @bornagain1973 We have talked about dropping her to part time if I took it, which would be great. The tricky part is that they only offer MWF as a part time option, so we would need to make sure I could swing every Tuesday or every Thursday off (my retired parents offered to take the other day)...
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    New job mom guilt

    @peace24555 A house cleaner would be amazing. That is a great idea. Having the financial ability to do something like that would be so insanely helpful, which is another reason why I feel like this pay increase might be worth it. Thank you, this was all very helpful!!
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    New job mom guilt

    I have a 14 month old daughter and work in healthcare. I am the primary financial earner in my household by a large margin. My husband and I are currently both working M-F office hours and our daughter is in full time daycare. I had always done shift work before this, but when we relocated and I...