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    Hypertension that’s NOT pre-e

    @kimotaku I’ve had hypertension my whole pregnancy, I am starting to think I had it before maybe. I’m on nifedipine 90mg (started at 30mg around 14 weeks) and am now 28+2. I’m also taking baby aspirin. Don’t really have a lot of advice just wanting to let you know I understand! It can be scary...
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    C section mom’s with apron belly

    @annointed620 I had my second C-section 2 and a half weeks ago and at first I used this cloth stuff they gave me at the hospital under my stomach against the incision to keep it dry but kept forgetting so all I do now is wash every day with antibacterial soap and pat dry well. At my 2 week...
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    Pre existing high blood pressure

    @essamtarik I had undiagnosed high BP before pregnancy. I was also on anxiety meds but quit taking them around 18 weeks under doctor supervision. I had to start nifedipine early and am up to 90mg but ::knock on wood:: lately my pressure has been tame. I started counseling for anxiety and that...
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    Preparing For Induction

    @zummi He ended up being 9lbs 14oz! He had little line backer shoulders too so I’m glad I had a c-section haha. But yes the cum thing def works, or did in my case
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    Preparing For Induction

    @zummi My last pregnancy I did this and I was 4cm dilated at my last appointment before the birth.. unfortunately they said baby was gonna be 11lbs and and I wasn’t up for pushing out a baby that big, so c-section it was. But I def think this helps!