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  1. G

    To the moms who’ve had a tubal

    @pneaveill1 In this instance, he is definitely being selfish, but again, I can’t force him to do anything. He’s aware it’s a selfish decision. For what it’s worth, we have a great marriage and he’s a fantastic partner and dad. This is the ONE thing in our 7 years together he has not compromised...
  2. G

    To the moms who’ve had a tubal

    @ktores He refused. He knows the science behind it. We have had in depth discussions. He just won’t do it. And at the end of the day, his body, his choice. I can’t force him to do anything just as he can’t force me to either carry a pregnancy or terminate one.
  3. G

    To the moms who’ve had a tubal

    I am 25(f). My husband is the same age. We have an almost 3 y/o son. We are vehemently OAD. We have no desire for anymore children and feel like our family is complete. That being said, I want to pull the trigger on a tubal because I am TIRED of birth control, but I am a little hesitant about...
  4. G

    Little things that solidify OAD

    We are potty training our only (2 y/o boy). It’s been one hour, and I’ve already cleaned up poop in my house 3 times. I was not made for potty training. My son definitely agrees. All I can think is, “I am never doing this again.” Send help. 🫠