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  1. M

    How it's going 7.5 years out with 3 kids and 3 languages- another (extensive) update

    @devonte07 I tried my method. 4 years old, so far she can read letter by letter and do association of words. She knows the things like Ou , un , an. Was funny last time she wrote phonetically rinoceros and draw the animal then showed it to me. Was quite impressed Today she managed to read...
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    How it's going 7.5 years out with 3 kids and 3 languages- another (extensive) update

    @devonte07 In my case teaching reading french is a challenge haha
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    Multilingual for a shy child?

    @barsomo Yeah and now he is unstoppable . Like talking to neighbourghs casually when before he couldn't even say hi
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    Multilingual for a shy child?

    @holgate86 So my kid also has 4 languages and didn't want to speak the school language until 4.5 years where he suddenly opened up. I think it just takes time
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    Do bilingual kids feel left out at school?

    @machoke47 It's annoying because I disagree with that... my kid has 3 minority language and 1 community one. And unfortunately the community one is the weakest and the minority language from my side is the best. He is the best in my language and understands everything at 5 with an adult...
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    How old were your children when they began to use words in different languages for the same thing or concept?

    @kairete I'd say 2.5 years old? I mean actually my kid at 1.5 years old knew around 200 words (some overlapping some not between french and mandarin). But at 2.5 they could say all the words In french mandarin and swedish Now at 4 he finally plstart to speak English without us never talking to...
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    My child prefers the minority language - what do I do?

    @mike247 My child is 5 years old with 3 minority languages. He speaks much better the minority and speaks almost all the time french. I think it is ok. Kids will be fine ultimately. I always worry he does not understand everything in Swedish(primary languags) because we don't speak it at...
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    Three languages, can’t do OPOL

    @fayanth Why sont you just speak Russian at home ? They'll learn English at school anyway