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  1. S

    8.5 hours of night sleep for 9 weeks old (almost 10 weeks)

    @mygodisstrongerthani You must be one of the lucky few i guess, my baby went her routine 😀
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    C-section, late milk supply in, mastitis, antibiotics and now diarrhea

    It's never one thing at a time, is it? I guess this post is just a rant. I was unable to look after my baby effectively for the first 5-6 days after pp because of c-section. Then, i couldn't breastfeed my baby because my milk had not come in. Then my milk came in with a force and my sweet angel...
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    8.5 hours of night sleep for 9 weeks old (almost 10 weeks)

    @patiencem She must have because she woke up all smiles and happy. I was advised to wake her up to feed at least one time by our ped too so that's what i'll do!
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    8.5 hours of night sleep for 9 weeks old (almost 10 weeks)

    @_kenneth I started offering the boob more frequently after our ped said she is gaining the minimum weight that's considered healthy range but she'd like our baby to gain a little more so this mamma is flashing her boob every 2 hours as well. But sometimes she isnon it 10 mins sometimes 5 6...
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    8.5 hours of night sleep for 9 weeks old (almost 10 weeks)

    @mama357 It was that one time, sadly i didnt even get to enjoy it because i woke up to a puddle of milk in bed but we had an appointment with the ped today, she said to wake up the baby to feed again if she sleeps longer than 5 hours and that she was still too small to let her sleep (if that...
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    8.5 hours of night sleep for 9 weeks old (almost 10 weeks)

    Don't hate me but my 9 week old baby slept a whopping 8 and half hours last night. She is ebf and i too slept thru the night regretfully so she didn't get any feeding last night and she is already at the cusp of minimum weight she needs to put on (she was 3.850 gr on her 1 month checkup and she...