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  1. J

    Am l wronge for wanting everyother weekend and holiday with my daughters

    @lzz My ex and I have a 3-4-4-3 schedule with Wednesday being the alternated day. He has Sunday Monday and Tuesday, and I have Thursday Friday and Saturday. It gives us both half of the weekend which I think is do able. Holidays should always be alternated, including birthdays and...
  2. J


    @katrina2017 A judge did agree it to though. It's whats known as 3-4-4-3. Every other week we get four days. On the week he has Wednesdays, he's got four consecutive days, and I get three. On my Wednesday week I have 4 consecutive days and he has 3. There are only two exchange days (Wednesday...
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    @newcombe2 Well here's the thing. It would be pointless to have an IOU if the terms were that I could only claim my days. The whole point of it was so I could take one of his days because i was giving him one of mine. Our protocol for the summer is that we get three weeks each. We use OFW and...
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    @katrina2017 Well we have 50/50 with a split week. He has Sunday Monday Tuesday and I have Thursday Friday Saturday. we alternate Wednesdays I've tried going week on week off and if we do end up in court again I will be requesting it. I was told a few years ago that the older the kids get the...
  5. J


    @katrina2017 Sometimes it isn't feasible. We each get one day on the weekend and if we want to go anywhere on the weekend like out of state, it can only be for one day because of school. It's nice to have the option but it has become a mess, you're right about that.
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    @katrina2017 Oh I've lost several days to him and his mom without asking or expecting anything in return. Like for instance next weekend is the daddy daughter dance. Like the last three years I offered to let him have an over night stay because he would usually just bring them back. Because the...
  7. J


    So my EX-H and I share two daughters, ages 9 and 7. We each have two other children with our partners. When my son (my third) was born in 2018, it was about that time we could go back to court to amend our custody arrangement. I had a few problems with the one we picked when we got divorced and...