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  1. N

    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    @justasimpleservant74 Big difference in my opinion between a father-son interaction that's jovial and a sibling relationship that flares tempers and is 50/50 to end in an episode of shoving buddies. Glad you guys have a good relationship. I long for the day my 5yo starts to roll with the punches...
  2. N

    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    @daniellehunt 1) Wait, what? When my 5 year old tells his brother he's "going to kill him," that's a bright line he's stepped over. Not okay at 5, 15 or 25. Not OK to say it outside of the house to someone he isn't related to. My mom passed away 8 months ago. We talk about death and how it is...
  3. N

    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    @katrina2017 Yeah, my first impulse was to come back with, "wait, we can't say that (N-Word)" They of course asked why and I responded with that N-Word doesn't mean newb, it means a word that's much worse and I couldn't tell them what it was. Just that while we don't call people names, it's...
  4. N

    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    Kids are 7, 5 and 4. 7 year old is playing Minecraft after a few month break. She's forgotten most of what she had learned. The 5 year old starts calling her a newb/n00b. Thanks Youtube. I don't want them calling each other names and I don't want them calling other kids newbs either. So I tell...