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  1. M

    Leaving baby?

    @sherina Not crazy it’s just hard. My mil and sil run a day care and I leave my daughter with them frequently but at first I was afraid! And even now sometimes I just wanna keep her home lol, but I know the socialization, immunity boost, level of care are all good for her! I struggle with...
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    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @nt4maximusd I don’t have a village so I feel you. My mil always offers but when the time comes she only has limited times that we can’t even use or she is busy. Really sucks because she’s always available for her other grand kid, not the same but I feel you :(
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    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    @nt4maximusd Uber??? That’s so sad
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @ajewelinhiscrown I get you. The exact same thing happens with my children. Feelings change so fast it’s hard to keep up. The important thing to do (in my opinion) is model the behavior you want in the future. Consistency is key. What I do is provide comfort, asses, provide a solution and a...
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @ajewelinhiscrown This sounds normal and it doesn’t sound like you are coping well. I don’t know how to say this in a way that doesn’t make me sound rude but understand I am not trying to be a jerk when I say it doesn’t sound like you understand children. “Instead of letting me clean it like a...