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  1. S

    To wait or not to wait...

    @pyroisonfire You are not joking- I never thought the IUD affected me that much, but now that I’m off of it my sex drive is noticeably higher and I’m edging my way towards baby fever 😂. Good points- thanks for your insight!
  2. S

    To wait or not to wait...

    I think it was originally determined by the savings goal, with the holidays’ being gone and my being still in my twenties until mid feb (silly mental thing, I don’t know). Kid conceived then would be old for their age instead of the youngest in their class, which is nice but of course not...
  3. S

    To wait or not to wait...

    Our date is Jan 2019. So close! I’ve been off of HBC for over a month and am a day or two from my first O-Day (at least, I think I am). We know we want a family, but I’ve never been particularly baby crazy. I’m 29, as is DH. And yet: I am having the strongest urge to just go for it now. It...