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  1. L

    How did you know you were ready to send you kid to preschool if they didn’t HAVE to go?

    @elinternational I was originally going to start my kid in preschool at 2.5 very part time (two mornings a week, and I would be there one of the two days) at a coop preschool, mainly so she could spend more time with other kids and adults other than myself. Unfortunately Covid hit at that point...
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    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 You say preschool but given the age of your kid do you mean daycare? Daycare is full time child care to cover working hours for babies and up, preschool is typically part time early education for kids 3-5. Daycare is not necessary for a SAHP and many parents who decide to stay home...
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    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    @beleadnotastray I have a 4 year old and 1 year old. I am the SAHP so I do the mental load and drive the train, basically. I tell him when things change (schedule, feeding, hazards, whatever) and he immediately absorbs it so that he is able to competently care for the girls. He is fully capable...
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    Mastitis - both sides

    @qmedic For #3, mastitis can be caused either by a clogged duct (leaving milk sitting stagnant and then progressing to bacterial infection) or by bacterial infection through a break in the skin, like if you have a blister or crack on your nipple. If your breasts are soft I would not suspect a...
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @ajewelinhiscrown The 7 year old’s behavior (specifically the severity and frequency of tantrums) sounds like it may be outside of the normal range. Have you talked to your pediatrician and her school about getting her assessed? Also I’m sorry, that sounds completely exhausting and miserable.