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  1. N

    Hunt, gather, parent

    @joshdons It was one of those books that could have just been an article or blog post, but I liked the main ideas. I have started focusing more on enjoying caring for our house together, so my kids become a natural part of that and don't look at chores as huge drags but a meaningful part of...
  2. N

    I’m wondering what will happen the day my daughter stops nursing to sleep. Can you share w me your experience?

    @lily_pad_96 My 13mo old seems to be slowly weaning herself off nursing to sleep. She nurses after dinner, and now half the time when we cuddle to sleep she doesn't want to nurse. She holds a binky and has one in her mouth and just plays with them while we sing and cuddle. I still let her...
  3. N

    Are obnoxious colourful plastic toys really that bad?

    @trleithoff I love making toys from random stuff and recycling! My 1 yo has been really into an old deck of cards and a plastic bucket with a slot cut in the lid lately. Trying to stuff the cards in, filling and dumping, etc. She also is into sticking chopsticks into the cardboard roll part...