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  1. J

    Wife feeling excluded

    @x902xxipher You’ve gotten a lot of replies here, but I wanted to add my perspective as a bilingual speech language pathologist and a parent who is raising a child using a minority language. One suggestion would be to teach your wife some German phrases that you say to your child a lot - not...
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    Wife feeling excluded

    @jakebakes This is what happened to my husband. His mom didn’t use Spanish with him growing up because his dad/her husband didn’t understand it. My husband learned Spanish in school and now we use Spanish at home with our daughter. Now my father-in-law is studying Spanish to be able to...
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    Asian parent trying to speak Spanish. Feeling judged

    @sholay2011 Keep on keeping on. Your child/children are going to be so lucky to be exposed to such a useful language!
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    Asian parent trying to speak Spanish. Feeling judged

    @postmalone I can relate to this. I’m white/gringa but people often think I’m latina. My daughter IS latina but has blue eyes and light hair. People often think I’m the latina nanny exposing someone’s gringa child to Spanish (“wow, her family is so lucky to have found you!”). I’ve never had...
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    Raising bilingual baby when second language isn’t native to either parent

    @paleophyte Feel free to message me! We’re working on incorporating a third language in our child’s routine right now.
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    Raising bilingual baby when second language isn’t native to either parent

    @dday I’m also a non-native speaker who worked professionally in Spanish (speech language pathologist). It was so awkward and hard to use Spanish with my baby once she was born (you can look in my post history to find my post in this sub about it), and I almost gave up. It was not natural at all...