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  1. F

    Family related work in school

    @towerwatchman I’m an only child. Things came up like this all the time growing up. I never thought twice. Don’t worry.
  2. F

    Help me think through this "silly" worry? [vacations + OAD not by choice]

    @kosherinchrist My husband, daughter and I rode with my cousin and her 3 children on a 9 hour drive recently. Her kids fought the entire time. When they weren’t fighting, they were ignoring. They didn’t hang out on the trip. They hung out with my kid and their other cousins. This is anecdotal of...
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @chapnelson I’ve been gray since before kids. Got my first gray hair at 18. I’m inclined to believe her graying was coincidental. But I am sure it’s all hard.
  4. F

    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @sacredwriternorth Both of my cousins have 3. They say 0–1 was the hardest, 1-2 was the easiest, and 2-3 was chaotic but manageable.
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @2dancer2 I was definitely speaking in generalizations. Of course there are dads who do it all, but acknowledge you are the exception, not the rule.
  6. F

    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @servewithlove I’ve heard it’s harder for dads because moms usually take the brunt of childcare when there’s one. When the second one comes, dad is forced to be more involved with the toddler because mom is caring for the newborn. It’s actually a sad depiction of the skewed responsibilities of...