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    Family related work in school

    @towerwatchman I mean, she had to write a number of siblings. So 0 siblings is the number she has. So I don't think that necessarily has any emotion associated with it, she was just answering the question. And no, I don't think these activities are appropriate in school. Having zero siblings...
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    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @pecosheero I think of my daughter as NT (I mean maybe only in comparison to me? lol) but I would also rather go back to the 1-4 age (Edit: maybe the 1-3.5 age -- 3.5 is when she decided she has an agenda and she's going to pursue it.). She is fairly good at finding friends and reasonably...
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @acuriousgirl Oh! Interesting to know. Well I guess I don't need to beat myself up over that, then. It's easy to look back with "if only"s and sometimes it's not really that simple. Sorry you've been through these nasty dental experiences too, I'm finding some vague comfort in knowing I'm less...
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @skyblue77 I hear you. They told me to continue the prenatals and I actually thought it was silly -- at the time, I thought, this is a 1st world country, no one here is nutrient deprived. I figured I tolerated the silliness while I was pregnant, now that's over and I'm not going to do it...
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    Having "the talk" (a.k.a. I'm pro-OAD, partner wants more)

    @huskyblue Sure, glad it was helpful! These conversations can be difficult for all of us. Best of luck and take care!
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    Having "the talk" (a.k.a. I'm pro-OAD, partner wants more)

    @huskyblue I'm in a different situation bc single so no partner to negotiate with. Also was originally very upset about not being able to have a second child due to age related infertility. First no it's not childish and selfish, any more than any personal preference. Would it be selfish to not...
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @skyblue77 I've had dental problems since pregnancy too including a root canal! In hindsight I think taking post-natal vitamins while I was ebf would have helped because it just sucks all the minerals out of your body, even more so than pregnancy. But -- unfortunately quite a bit of damage is...
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @girl4god86 Honestly I think some people just don't have the wherewithal to extricate themselves from the expectations that "the show must go on." Usually it's the woman whose health is in jeopardy and the male partner sometimes doesn't understand the gravity of it (based on attitudes like, "I...