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    As we’re home today w the kids for the holiday…

    @rogger i feel your pain! i have 3 kids in like 850 sq feet. VHCOL area. i also have migraines so the noise is ALOT. 2nding the earplugs to take the edge off.
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    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    @benzohar this is not like the whole answer but earplugs could help a little w the anxiety? i find the volume to be part of the overstimulating part for me and that can help me (not ignore them) but manage my own reaction more easily
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @rocknroll15 do you have a pillow behind your back? that helps me alot! also i put baby more in the middle of the bed and then i swap sides overtop of them, if that makes sense. so im not always on the same side but they are always in the “c” spot. so much relief to switch! i started sleeping...
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    Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

    @tongdtbds3 my son is a, how do i put this nicely…difficult sleeper. hes 1.5 still nurses to sleep and has to lay with me. however for his nanny he will lay down on his own in a crib and fall asleep without crying.. they will do different things for different people!