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  1. S

    Hunt, gather, parent

    @dinkold Toddlers are capable of a frankly terrifyingly overgrown level of hunting/gathering competence, coupled with the impulse control of, well, a toddler. My little gal started popping avocados, unbidden, into the basket of my shopping cart the other day at the store where they're super...
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @pengsmith This is me with doritos locos tacos right and chicken nuggets right now. Like... wtf, normally I wouldn't even feed that stuff to the chickens, but now it's suddenly edible and... tasty?
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    Toddler loves pushing my newly walking baby and I feel lost

    @diademjewel Baby Corral is the way.
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    "jUsT sLeEp WhEn ThE bAbY sLeEpS"

    @katrina2017 I feel ya. My little gal is already awake and screaming again.
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    "jUsT sLeEp WhEn ThE bAbY sLeEpS"

    I'm so tired of that fucking garbage. I've got animals to feed, plants to weed, a homestead that needs tending to, laundry and dishes and floors and firewood and bills and mail and projects to do. Sleep when the baby sleeps, what a load of bollocks. The adorable little fucker only sleeps when...
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    A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

    @vclr2010 Ask him how he thinks his rectal craniectomy is gonna go, and if he's scared about the recovery. After all, it's "the easy way".