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  1. G

    She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

    @psyman We had to transition to 3-6 mo clothes at 5 weeks because my girl is really long. Now that we’re at 8 weeks, I can tell 3-6 mo clothes are starting to get a little short on her, but still fit around her tummy. We won’t be in those for very much longer too. 🥲
  2. G

    Breastfeeding one baby but not the other. How to get over mom guilt?

    @giantgecko A midwife told me a few days ago that my daughter isn’t going resent me for how I feed her, but she will resent me for starving her/making her sick. Every time I feel guilt, I’ve been trying to repeat that to myself. When your LOs grow up, they aren’t going to remember what they ate...
  3. G

    Anyone else freak out before big appointments?

    @mommybiker I got bad news, that my daughter had a VSD in her heart. It ended up being a blessing in disguise because the VSD closed up by the time we did a fetal echo a month later, but they still did weekly monitoring until I gave birth. It was very scary for a moment, but you learn to adjust...