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  1. A

    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @erik44 It was called "Nursies When the Sun Shines: A Little Book on Night Weaning Book by Katherine Havener" He had really good language skills and comprehension but I was still skeptical about how much he was understanding. I just read it every day with him and every night when he fed to...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @vinhhali Yes he was in our bed until 2. I was pregnant with his twin brothers from him being about 16 months until 2. I fed all three of them for 6 weeks even at one point. But he was out of our bed by the time they were born. This time round I would not have lasted until 20 months. It was too...
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    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @vinhhali This sounds just like my first son. I so badly regretted not introducing a bottle or a dummy or something. He was boob only for 2 years. He barely ate solid foods until he weaned. He was obsessed. Booby was his first word. Everything was about the boob. At about 20 months I just told...