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  1. W

    Anyone else hate working?

    @biblicalselfdefense I wouldn't become a hit man for money or do anything that violates my ethics. But I don't work in a creative field, so there's zero stimulation. I also work for the government so no executive is getting their bank account filled either. Lose-lose?
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    Anyone else hate working?

    @liz555 100%. I never understood people who said their jobs bring them a sense of purpose or mental stimulation. Books bring me stimulation. Jobs bring money.
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    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @qork Your water broke the Wednesday beforehand. Spontaneously. Oops!
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo My sister was a fall baby and ended up as the oldest kid in her class. In addition to being bored/unchallenged by the material, she struggled to connect with kids she thought were below her (maybe due to her age or her advanced academic abilities). After seeing her experience, I...
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    Working parent rant

    @middlemind We were so lucky when my mom watched my son 3 days a week. She would clean during his naps and also prepped dinners for the whole family. Usually enough for 2 nights. Sadly, that era is over and we are scrambling, but have decided to hire a house cleaner.