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    My(16f) mom doesn’t want me having sex or my bf(17m) in my room but asked if i wanted to go on BC and said she would get me a plan B if i need it

    @lunalovesjesus Needing birth control and having sex at home are two different things. Get on birth control. Even for 4 x a month, it's worth a whole lot when compared to becoming a mommy right now and for the rest of your life. Believe me, it's worth it. The part about obeying parents' rules...
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    How many every day shoes for 9y/o?

    @minh Mother of two sons. Mine had one pair to wear to school. Bought new when they wore out. They could ask for a pair for Christmas or birthday or they could spend allowance/gift money to buy a new pair.
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    How many every day shoes for 9y/o?

    @somerton Especially sports shoes, cleats.