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    informal brmo poll/pop quiz

    @jumpintoinfinity That would fall under B.
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    informal brmo poll/pop quiz

    @katrina2017 I know our clutter can get away from us, but i swear even when the counter is covered, it's all stuff i use too often to put away. This particular post was inspired by him clearing off the counter, which included the stain treating spray, which i keep next to the sink because that's...
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    informal brmo poll/pop quiz

    @truth239 he bought some fancy-ass box to put them in. the BOX can stay on the counter. everything else has to be "put away."
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    informal brmo poll/pop quiz

    @katrina2017 So... fucking buy one that looks nicer???
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    informal brmo poll/pop quiz

    @12345678910 Yeah, in my house they'd be full of cups & shit and the counters would still have stuff on them.
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    informal brmo poll/pop quiz

    @karlx yeah, workspace would refer to placing things there only while they are in immediate use. hubby does not believe in keeping ANYTHING on the counter because "it's workspace." i'm like why the fuck would i constantly be putting shit in/taking shit out of drawers and whatever instead of just...
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    informal brmo poll/pop quiz

    bathroom counter space is for: a. workspace b. storing frequently used items (e.g. toothpaste, hairbrush) c. both CHOOSE WISELY
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    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    @lilmzredd are their mods MIA too?
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    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    @dmcc god, if i left, what would i do with my life?!
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    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    @faithfamily if the mods there set automod to remove posts with x number of reports, downvoting and making sure everyone reports those is probably the most a non-mod can do. in my experience it does take about 2-3 weeks for a reddit request to be reviewed and put through. that sucks that your...
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    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    @yahkov It's the slang definition, yeah. Technically "otaku" just means "your honorable home," but it's used a lot like "neckbeard" to refer to people so obsessed with something (usually anime/manga) that they never leave the house. 🌠
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    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    @thuva That is probably the most common guess, even more than "diet otaku." It's like doing a word search in Japanese when you don't speak Japanese, your brain just latches on to what it does recognize and doesn't worry about making sense of the rest. 🙂
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    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    @farran34 that was probably there on a subconscious level too. ;)
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    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    @countvicta JUSTICE. 😠🔥🏛 or i'm just spoofing trump. 😆
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    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    i just wanted to take a minute to thank you guys for being so diligent with the reports. awhile back reddit suffered from a rash of porn site spammers who would create brand-new accounts and post in small subs hoping to escape notice long enough to get a click. lots of mod teams started using...