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  1. B

    I’m a new dad as of 2.5 weeks ago and can’t say I’m all that excited. Is something wrong with me??

    @kath26 The newborn phase will be over before you know it. I'd say "enjoy it while you can", but.. well, you know. Just knuckle down and get through it a day at a time. Soon enough the high pitched shrieks of incessantly crying baby will be replaced with the high pitch squeals of toddler...
  2. B

    My mom found my belly piercing

    @jennifer2901 "I'm sorry I didn't share this with you, but your reaction is exactly the reason why I didn't. I am an adult, and this is a choice I've made regarding my body. I'm sorry that you are upset about it." End scene.
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    2 y.o looking for daddy he doesnt know

    @wanderinghopelessly Give the fact that he's 2, I don't think he's doing anything to "get a rise" out of you. At that age they've just started learning about expressing their own desires and feelings. Being emotionally manipulative with others isn't even something they're...