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  1. S

    Tax Question for Stay at Home Parents (married filing jointly vs separate)

    @kentheframer Thank you :) its especially good to know that about HR block cuz i had no idea
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    Tax Question for Stay at Home Parents (married filing jointly vs separate)

    @jomarie I can try that. I did speak to someone last week about it all and he was very unhelpful and wasn't understanding why i cant afford to pay it. I think i could live with 50-100 payments. My wife is continuing education and money has gone into that (like a computer etc) so left over...
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    Tax Question for Stay at Home Parents (married filing jointly vs separate)

    @jomarie Lol yeah, wife makes 40k and i work only on the weekends and raise my son during the week. We're probably at 46k a year
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    Tax Question for Stay at Home Parents (married filing jointly vs separate)

    This is a pretty specific situation but I can't imagine that I'm the only one in this boat. I tried google-ing different combinations but I just couldnt find any helpful information and this is the last resort before going and meeting with a tax accountant person (that's what they're called...