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  1. L

    OPOL, ML@H, a bunch of (probably crappy) methods I invented, and questions for you more experienced folks from prospective parents

    P.p.s. Just to be clear, I wouldn’t recommend your “TPTL” ideas because I think it’s unnecessarily complicated for your situation, not because I think it would confuse your child.
  2. L

    OPOL, ML@H, a bunch of (probably crappy) methods I invented, and questions for you more experienced folks from prospective parents

    @acl1 I would nix your first and second ideas. There are times when a very structured approach like this is a good idea, but it’s almost invariably when families are trying to ensure there’s enough input in three or more languages. OPOL is popular because it fits best with the highest number of...
  3. L

    Names pronounced differently by both parents?

    @peakdixon Haha nee, Vlaanderen, en ik was in de tuin bezig de dag dat ik mijn username heb gemaakt :D Het feit dat Engels onze minderheidstaal is was wel een beslissende factor toen we voor een OPOL systeem kozen. Als we ooit naar de VS verhuizen zal ik waarschijnlijk Nederlands met mijn...
  4. L

    Names pronounced differently by both parents?

    @peakdixon We switch between the two pronunciations based on language, often within seconds. So if I introduce her to someone here, it would go something like “Dit is mijn dochter Joséphine, ze is nu 2,5”. “Josephine, this is Mr. X, Papa’s friend.” When my husband is out with her and introduces...
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    Names pronounced differently by both parents?

    @peakdixon I don’t really feel like what you’re describing is a “name nerd” issue as much as an issue of particularity. I’m a name nerd and couldn’t care less if someone spelled or pronounced my name wrong. My sister-in-law is not really “into” names beyond the normal amount of thinking about...
  6. L

    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @tomorrow It’s so normal for us to worry about everything, and you’re right to consult parents of other multilingual children, as it’s difficult to compare to monolingual milestones. You do not need to be concerned that a 5 1/2-year-old isn’t reading. You mention having already taught phonics...
  7. L

    How old were your children when they began to use words in different languages for the same thing or concept?

    @kairete Oldest daughter: somewhere between 2 and 2.5 years old. I think 2.5 is when she started doing it pretty consistently rather than a word here and there. Second daughter: between 1.5 and 2. Her “translating” started sooner than my first, who used the community language more at that age...