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  1. G

    Husband called me the c word and says I’m not being a wife

    @richmondjema Thank you!🤗
  2. G

    Husband called me the c word and says I’m not being a wife

    @richmondjema Yes, 100%! I hope I didn't make it sound otherwise. 😥
  3. G

    Husband called me the c word and says I’m not being a wife

    @aelfex It sounds like your husband is in the middle of a long mental breakdown. He needs psychological help. I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of this on top of being a new mom. You're doing a great job. 🫂❤️
  4. G

    I'm not hoarding!!

    @davidstotler That's just awful.
  5. G

    I'm not hoarding!!

    @bayerski Maybe you could do just that? Email your store and tell them your dilemma and that you're willing to provide proof. It can't be that you're having to shop so often.