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  1. Q

    People who “diagnose” themselves with fertility issues before they even start trying

    @manitouscott This was me. I was on hormonal BC since I was 14 and I honestly had no idea about my fertility. I didn't even know if I could ovulate. So it's honestly scary, and I spent MONTHS just preparing for the worst when I was about to come off BC. However, instead of going around saying I...
  2. Q

    Can we overfeed our babies?

    @mightyheart Yes, you can. But you’d know. If she’s not spitting up or full on puking, if she’s acting content and satiated, she’s fine. ETA: as I’m thinking more, is she happy after she eats?
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    Positive pregnancy test

    @macwabana I had to take the abortion pill when I miscarried and didn’t pass everything. It causes contractions, so my best advice is just look up laboring positions. I spent a lot of time on the bathroom floor on all fours with my legs out to the side like a frog. Good luck 💙 really hoping...
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    What's your 1 nap schedule?

    @robwebb Reading these comments, is my kid truly the only one who won’t nap more than 1.5 hours? Like how do you get 2-3 hour naps? To answer your question OP: 7am (ish) wake up 1-2:30ish nap (sometimes he wakes up earlier) 7pm bed Edit: he’s almost 16m
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    Pill killed my sex drive

    @cowabunga I lived basically from age 16 to 25 with no sex drive because of the pill. Didn’t come back til I switched to an IUD.