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    Daddy sleeping in

    @nessofonett05 Yah that’s life with a toddler, as parents we all have to figure out how to handle doing everyday things with a small person hanging onto us. If he is already getting the luxury of extra sleep (and yes it’s a luxury with kids, regardless of his sleep needs), then he definitely...
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @striveforclarity Shifts! We both needed consecutive hours of uninterrupted sleep to be able to function the next day, it was the only way for us.
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    Gun violence

    @j90 I agree. I think people react so differently to traumatic events, even completely hypothetical ones / thought experiments, and sometimes we assume so much about someone’s motivations based on how their reactions differ from our own.
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    Gun violence

    @michael6 I understand you’re saying these are your personal thoughts, but in regards to OP’s post it seems like a huge (unwarranted) leap from what she asked to implying that she is acting like her current child’s life is “unimportant.”
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    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @cephasyahushua Ah ok. From how I understand it, the “transition” period is more like 6-12 months long, not just the time immediately around the change. I suggested going back to the crib bc I see that advice given a lot in these situations, when an under 3 is having trouble staying in the...
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    I'd love your help!

    @austinj555 What is this for? Can you provide any more information /give some context?
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    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    @cephasyahushua What about going back to the crib for now? From what I’ve read 25 months is on the earlier side of the range recommended for making the switch, maybe it’s just too soon for him.