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  1. J

    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @ax126 Yes, I think there are options before the kids go to kindergarten even for proper classroom placement. Thanks for your suggestion.. it will also neutralize the situation with several opinions from the professionals
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @oldbricklayer I love this as it really gives good food for thought especially around the school pressures of demand and not necessarily having that at home. At home it’s more of a free based environment with siblings and at school there are expectations they struggle with. The reason I am...
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @enliven Thanks for this, these posts that truly give non biased feedback is so helpful
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @williamc Yes, thanks for this.. and I get it, but I'm also comparing them to the other boys in the class who are VERY MUCH quadruple the energy and craziness and I guess I should be asking the question of if those parents are also receiving similar feedback. I was so stressed because it felt...
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    Not sure why everyone is getting heated, regardless of what people say, girls and boys very often act very differently. I have both and there is a HUGE difference
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @mcasabona This is def something we need to think about as well as it’s such a good point! Thanks so much
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @mcasabona Yes, this helps too. Our daughter is 8 and totally opposite and our boys are very very independent and energetic and the neighbors boys (there are 14 boys on our street) are crazy! They wrestle and throw things and all kinds of things that we don’t even let our boys spend time with...
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @healedinchrist275 Honestly, this is weirdly exactly where we are now and obviously late to the game in terms of letting them be their separate people. Yes we have been more that they are boy twins and have been accepting they aren’t going to act like my rational, compliant, gentle 8 yr old...
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @elle1975 Ah! This is great. It has been hard to talk to other parents who don’t have multiples and expect them to truly understand. I mean they probably understand perfectly fine, but when life gets crazy and it’s a lot to juggle, we feel like people may have good intentions, but maybe their...
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @eternal_life Truly curious if your twins are girls or boys?
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @kimdkus Yes, I agree.. also we weren’t going to separate them for kindergarten but now after the constant feeding off each other we think it would be an absolute game changer and help them truly blossom as little individuals.. this is great to read, thank you!
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @keziachristian I am mostly concerned with the fact that as a parent and in my opinion he’s acting in those ways because of a reason. There is always a reason kids act out.. I’m trying to get to the bottom of that, and not saying it’s ok, but at this age it seems appropriate that they act out...
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @rcpolk This is amazing perspective, thank you. It’s hard to separate taking feedback about those you love most as constructive. It was something I was taking personally as the only feedback she gives is negative.. and even when they do great things she only highlights everything they do wrong...
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @neptune21 The “isn’t normal” was what the preK teacher said. I had a chat with the principal today and she said the teacher is quite emotional in general, so maybe the communication just needs to be improved rather than her only talking about the negative
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    This is kind of a rant… it’s just been consuming my thoughts. I have twin boys who are 5, in pre-K and are very typical energetic boys who are best friends. They are EXTREMELY sweet and fun and athletic, smart, social and charming kids. However, this is their first year in a school setting and...