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  1. E

    I don't even have sex anymore

    @avonmora I live in Texas. I’ve been on mirena and nexplanon and both have worked great for me. Me and my bf don’t use condoms either. Maybe it’s risky but I trust my birth control very much. My next step would be getting my tubes tied or my BF agreed to get a vasectomy when we decide to get...
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    I don't even have sex anymore

    @catriona I have a hormonal iud. They have one that’s non hormonal called paraguard. I like mine. They told me paraguard causes worse bleeding and cramps and more people come back wanting it removed but I’ve also hear if you wait out the first few months - 1st year then that gets a lot better...
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    I don't even have sex anymore

    @catriona To me it was worth it bc I never want kids and over all it was quick. I had some cramping afterwards but not bad at all. It went away and now I only have them towards my period which is pretty light. IUDs can last different years. Depends on how long you want them. I think paraguard...
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    I don't even have sex anymore

    @catriona My doctors didn’t. They gave me a pill to take to dilate my cervix before the procedure. It causes HORRIBLE cramping. Like that was so unbearable I couldn’t sleep, I had to take OTC pain meds. I think that cramping was worse than the IUD placement. You can take pain meds hour before to...
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    I don't even have sex anymore

    @catriona I have a hormonal iud. They have one that’s non hormonal called paraguard. I like mine. They told me paraguard causes worse bleeding and cramps and more people come back wanting it removed but I’ve also hear if you wait out the first few months - 1st year then that gets a lot better...
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    I don't even have sex anymore

    @scw43 Yeah, especially girls in super rural Texas where there are no close abortion clinics at all even if they were somehow able to catch a pregnancy in time. It’s some disappointing times fersure but women must stand together.
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    I don't even have sex anymore

    @jewels77 You think we haven’t considered it? Ha. but again, money is an issue and I’d be away from all my family and my BFs. Having money to move is a privilege. For now women are still able to get birth control and have tubal litigation and so on. So you work with what you have.
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    I don't even have sex anymore

    @jewels77 Moving costs money so for some of us that isn’t even an option plus my family is here….Born and raised in TX. The abortion restrictions are what pushed me to my 8 year iud. I had already been in BC for years tho.
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    I’m getting the 8 yr IUD

    @ctguy That’s good to know. I could never remember pills. They were the first BC I ever had and it sucked bc I’m forgetful. Thank goodness I never got pregnant lol. I liked nexplanon and wanted to try something new and iud last much longer!! When I asked about what was different they said copper...
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    I’m getting the 8 yr IUD

    @ctguy That’s relieving. My sister said it kinda feels like a pap which I don’t think is painful really but everyone’s different. I keep hearing scary stuff like how some people said it’s the worst even though it’s very quick. What made you choose the copper IUD vs other IUDs?
  11. E

    I’m getting the 8 yr IUD

    can anyone tell me how the procedure was? I’ve had nexplanon for 6 years so I’ll also have that removed the same day. I’m a bit nervous. I’ve never had children either.