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    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @hew0007 I tried working (part time, from home) after my maternity leave and we were all miserable. My husband was because he also WFH, but was constantly on meetings and couldn’t help. Me because I felt like I was being pulled in 8 different directions; and my son because he just wanted to be...
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @jlaw260 My son is 15 months so he can play independently pretty well! Honestly he loves just wandering the house and getting into stuff. My house is never put together, but at least it’s clean lol! He also loves to help with laundry!
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @themadnessinme My son is 15 months so he’s much much more independent! At 3 months idk if anyone’s clothes were clean lol. You got this momma!
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot Before becoming a SAHM, I wish I would’ve gotten rid of so much more crap! I’m trying to now but it is harder to purge stuff when you have little hands trying to help! I also wish I would’ve organized more and done a better job keeping up on our yard. daily, I do 2-3 loads of...