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  1. P

    My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

    @ostronic Thank you but no, I think it would cause issues
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    My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

    @heartguy Yes, this is exactly what I thought and iam very upset that she had the nerve to tell me that to my face when I picked him up the day after. My husband dropped him off in the morning and she didn't say much to him. Today, she was super nice and telling that he is doing very good etc. I...
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    My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

    @daniellemarie17 Thank you. I have told him to tell the teacher and tell me and/or dad. But after that conversation with the teacher, I don't know if I trust her.
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    My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

    @crink Thank you. I did that via email (originally), now I have to go tell her what the teacher told me and pretty much put her on blast which I hate doing, but I have to figure out how to bring it up.
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    My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

    @lulladin Thank you. We thought maybe it happened while they were at the playground or something, but the response I got from his teacher was just not what I what I expected to hear.
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    My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

    @artaterxes Thank you. Sorry that happened to your son.
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    My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

    My 4.5 yrs old son started going full time to a preschool since about 3 months ago. He was playing with my husband over the weekend and tried to tickle him in his private area and my husband told him "no, nobody tickles you there" "we do not do that" "it is not ok" "nobody should be touching...