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  1. R

    C.D.C. advisers unanimously recommend vaccinations of young children

    @igors We are sort of in-between. We are in a small but liberal Midwestern town. Many folks have moved on in the sense that a majority (although not a huge one) of eligible folks are vaccinated, we still have okay (although greatly pared down) PCR testing access, most people at one time were...
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    washing non-organic produce

    @findingmywayback Walmart sells produce sprays because of capitalism, not science.
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    washing non-organic produce

    @nolongerchaff I buy whatever is fresher/cheaper and wash it well. Sometimes that’s organic and sometimes it isn’t. I do get a local CSA in the summer, mostly because it forces me to get out of my cooking ruts and try something new or creative and expose the kids to a greater diversity of...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @strange1 She was massively problematic tbh. I quit that sub and was sad about it because I am a scientist and specifically wanted the scientific perspective in parenting. But as a working mom I couldn’t get behind the weird hostility for example to daycare, that was not grounded in sound research.