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  1. R

    Unmedicated birth advice

    @chichu3123 Yeah, I think in those cases though I would also be cautious, as you were, about making people avoidant of an induction if it might be the safest thing for parent and baby; eg I’m glad my friend chose birth with an epidural (which was a positive experience for her) over a risk of...
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    Unmedicated birth advice

    @chichu3123 OTOH I had an induction for my second and had no epidural. If things are favorable for an induction it can proceed just as smoothly as a spontaneous labor. I did not feel that it made the contractions or transition more painful than my first labor, and instead of stalling out as I...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @kevineto123 Yeah, I think what many people struggle to appreciate is that while population-level human research is well worth doing, any single study has to be taken as one gleam of light, not the whole picture. Especially in a field that has so many confounding factors and so much individual...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @kevineto123 I’m not but thanks! I’m in science myself, I’m comfortable reading primary literature, and based upon that I’m completely confident in my choice for my kids to go to daycare. If we are talking about the same article (about daycare and immune systems) the fact that the link was...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @yazzy That Medium article seems to be deleted as well?
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    Roxane Gay is unsuited to write a work column

    @charkati350 This sounds like an incredibly idealized perception of academia from someone outside it--sorry if I'm making wrong assumptions about you, but this just isn't true. Yes, there is protection of academic free speech. No, that doesn't mean you can do or say whatever you want in your...
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    Roxane Gay is unsuited to write a work column

    @stonze I haven’t read this column regularly so I’m sure it could suck. But let me assure you, academia is a real world of work. Sure some conventions are very different and that may matter, but it’s no cakewalk, you work your butt off for little pay or recognition, and people are people...
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    C.D.C. advisers unanimously recommend vaccinations of young children

    @spiritofsharon What the previous commenter said was true, but he reversed course and allowed doctors to order doses! It should also be available at pharmacies; CVS minute clinics were supposedly going to vaccinated down to 18 month olds.
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    washing non-organic produce

    @findingmywayback My comment was in response to you falsely equating taking extra measures beyond a vigorous water wash with caring about whether you eat pesticides or not. I’m sorry you experience hostility, but taking the granola identity, which is being exploited by the organic food...
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    C.D.C. advisers unanimously recommend vaccinations of young children

    @igors We are sort of in-between. We are in a small but liberal Midwestern town. Many folks have moved on in the sense that a majority (although not a huge one) of eligible folks are vaccinated, we still have okay (although greatly pared down) PCR testing access, most people at one time were...
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    washing non-organic produce

    @findingmywayback Walmart sells produce sprays because of capitalism, not science.
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    washing non-organic produce

    @nolongerchaff I buy whatever is fresher/cheaper and wash it well. Sometimes that’s organic and sometimes it isn’t. I do get a local CSA in the summer, mostly because it forces me to get out of my cooking ruts and try something new or creative and expose the kids to a greater diversity of...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @strange1 She was massively problematic tbh. I quit that sub and was sad about it because I am a scientist and specifically wanted the scientific perspective in parenting. But as a working mom I couldn’t get behind the weird hostility for example to daycare, that was not grounded in sound research.