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  1. K

    How did you start letting your kid sleep in a separate room?

    @calebtheclown You don’t have to leave him! Of course you can go in if he’s crying ❤️
  2. K

    How did you start letting your kid sleep in a separate room?

    @calebtheclown I think after 6M it’s not a big deal! I think it sounds like it would be a positive for you. Baby is 4M here and since he’s rolling I have to move him to the crib. I plan to sleep in there with him until 6M and then see how it goes. What makes you anxious? You can get a good video...
  3. K

    Gaining weight even when breastfeeding

    @shikyo792 This sub is FULL and I mean FULL of anecdotes of women, like myself, who gained weight breastfeeding. Or initially lost, and then gained. Chances are if your hunger keeps up it’s bc you need the extra energy. It’s a lot of work to breastfeed! I’d say in most cases the quantity you eat...