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    teachers feeding kids too much junk

    @binfoco See how the next few months play out and then reevaluate
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    Chemical smell from babycare playmat?

    @frankel56 If you send it back to Amazon and it’s not damaged they will resell it for cheaper as a warehouse deal. Did you wash it yet? Or set it out in the sun to air out? Some of those smells just come from stuff it’s sitting by in the warehouse or the factory where it was made.
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    teachers feeding kids too much junk

    @binfoco It’s not possible for 20 kids to generate enough birthdays for several parties a week all year. I understand that there might be some clusters (like 2 February birthdays and Valentine’s Day all close together) but they can’t have 3 parties a week every week, it doesn’t work out...
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    Cloth diapering a preemie - what weight did you start diapering?

    @jesuslover34 Going against the grain here but we did disposable diapers until our baby fit into the OS. She was 6lbs at birth (dropped into the high 5 lb range after a few days) and had very slow growth at first so we didn’t start cloth until about 2.5 months. It was worth it to me because it...
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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @pokerfaceblonde Our pediatrician said it was fine for a full term healthy baby. The new milk cools fast enough to not have any risk of bacterial growth or anything like that. As long as you’re not mixing multiple days worth of pumped milk or adding new milk immediately after it has been...
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    teachers feeding kids too much junk

    @binfoco How often are they doing these parties? It’s not that big of a deal for a kid to have a cupcake and a cookie once a month at school. The volume of sweets is a bit concerning but I wouldn’t make my child a pariah at school by making a huge stink about this. Brush their teeth really good...
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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @pokerfaceblonde You don’t have to cool fresh pumped milk before adding it into the big jar of already cold milk. It’s not necessary
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    Leaving baby?

    @sherina No, you do not have to drop him off. They can visit at your house and no you aren’t being paranoid. Your baby is only 4 months old. There is no reason grandma needs to be alone with him
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    Baby was born early and the new born size 0 diapers are tiny bits too big

    @benstiller12 We didn’t start cloth until LO got on the one size fits all. It took about 2 months
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    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    @ch3apshad3s Try a big scoop of borax, a name brand free & clear detergent and a cup or two of vodka
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    Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

    @tisanewseason You are very welcome. I used to say “she only little for a little while” and leave it at that. You are doing what feels right for you and your child, that’s all that matters!
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @marycris I’ve gotten kicked out of a few online places for saying that leaving a newborn baby to cry alone is neglect. They get very angry when you point out that comfort is a need
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    Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

    @tisanewseason Unless you are relying on these people financially or to help you around the house then their opinions don’t matter. I did contact naps for over a year with our first baby then moved to laying together on my bed. She stopped naps completely at 2 years old so it’s not even a...
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    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @vivian56 Stop letting her put her hands in your shirt! Tell her no “no, you can’t put your hands in my shirt” and then put her down. You deserve to not be “twiddled” all the time. This sounds like my own personal hell. She’s not an infant anymore and a 2 year old can understand what no means