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    Q for Parents who started using Cloth w Newborn

    @rui It's just hard to get enough absorbency. Cloth night diapers absolutely exist (Pooters makes amazing ones) but they can be pricier and night pees are something else (some kids skin also has major issues with being wet all night)
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    Seeking advice from people who “moved home” to be close to family

    @gypsysoule Moved back and it's been amazing (I also get on stunningly well with my family). My daughter has an incredibly close relationship with her Grand parents and Aunt and Uncle. There's a lot of "economy of scale" type things (like if I need a pickup I can borrow my brother's and he's...
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    So glad we did cloth diapers - r/all had a room full of disposable diapers

    @cmg1978 The entire thread is pretty much telling Grandpa he was an idiot for getting that many of a single brand sale or no and Grandpa arguing with them.
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    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    @nataliya It's also often that the whole book is what is useful. For example regarding sleep issues the reason everyone says "Precious little sleep" is because the book is already way pared down and super step by step, there's no good way to further synzethize
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    How to deal with being away from your baby

    @henryjoshua So I think you are gonna kind of need to just bite the bullet and do it. I also don't want to scare you but emergencies happen and it's so much easier to handle one if your kids are ok being away from you for a bit.
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    How would you react if I rudely, intentionally bumped into your child?

    @jared1991 The fuck is wrong with you? He's 6 you jackass. Yes you have fucked up here, not JUST with the girlfriends parents but probably with your girlfriend. I'd be dumping the ass of anyone that was rude to any 6 year old cause they are too dumb to lock the door, let alone someone that did...
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    My wife thinks parenting won’t be that hard

    @davidpark Lol why? She's already pregnant right? There's nothing you are gonna say that is gonna be more convincing then your kid screaming.
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    Best online pelvic floor/bladder prolapse programs?

    @wethepeople So here's the problem. Depending on what exactly is wrong with your pelvic floor you could actually make the issue worse. Sometimes incontinence is caused by a weak pelvic floor but it can also be caused by an overly tight pelvic floor and if you do the wrong exercise program it can...
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    How did you choose a baby carrier/wrap?

    @guswilby If none of those are an option little zen ones try before you buy program is excellent (though limited in the kinds of carriers)
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    Gift ideas for busy mom of young children?

    @constantfaithful Don't, this is such a cliche there was literally an SNL sketch about it.
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    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    @peggyleggy We do this too! I also do them for places we've traveled to or a thing we've done that year. Gives them a nice set too when they leave the house.
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    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @esther_goldworth Seriously, the cloth diapers barely phased me after cleaning out a chicken coop. Also the natures miracle is handy for when she is nude and decides to pee on the floor.
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    Close Before You Doze!

    @solomnpromise You can do it yourself fairly easily with a $20 tool and a shop vacuum
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    F the cult-like following of certain carrier brands (Happy Baby)

    @spartta H&M has wool kids stuff? awesome I've been trying to find cheap base layers
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    Question about the graco 4-in-1 bassinet/pack n play

    @eirenopoioi No, pack and plays are only safe sleep surfaces if you stick with the pad that they come with. If you add a mattress then the baby can become stuck between the mattress and the sides of the pack and play. Don't add anything to it. The lack of breathability isn't a problem, by the...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @anonymous9299 I'm a SAHM which is really the only reason right now my kid is signed up for things. I do gymnastics with her (or rather my husband does) because frankly she's a climber anyway and we want her to learn how to fall. She'll probably do ballet at some point just because I did and...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @thanksyoueel I will say I've got a didyklick that I back carry with all the time and you can get super fast with it once you know what you are doing.
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    Anyone else buy most of their newborn stuff second hand?

    @yytz6 Two exceptions. Car seats and mattresses, both for safety reasons.
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    F the cult-like following of certain carrier brands (Happy Baby)

    @leftout Tons of them, people have generally lost their damn minds.
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @thanksyoueel No there's a back/front version. Like this