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  1. P

    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @dmurrayfly I have a unicorn baby who pretty consistently (for now) sleeps through the night and wakes up between 6-7am and I still don’t get up before her because I value my sleep more than some quiet time in the morning. You’re doing great and eventually this season will pass and you’ll have...
  2. P

    Anyone else’s baby fit into smaller age size in clothes?

    @netty805 My baby was in newborn clothes until 2.5 months and she’s 5 months tomorrow and still in 0-3. It’s easier to go off the weight limits for clothes than the months cause those aren’t going to be right for every baby. If she’s steadily gaining weight and doctors aren’t concerned I...
  3. P

    FTM with a two week old. Should I be pumping too?

    @petty88 If baby is nursing and actually transferring/eating I don’t see any reason you need to pump after a feeding! My baby wouldn’t latch or when she did she would fall asleep so I was trying to nurse and then pumping while husband fed a bottle. Did that for weeks until I just stopped trying...
  4. P

    I f**ed up!

    @poppa51 I totally see both sides here. You did what you thought was right and approached this lady in a nice way to let her know about a safety issue (I think the way you phrased it was lovely and doesn’t seem judgey or arrogant or anything). But, I absolutely hate talking to strangers and...
  5. P

    Mostly venting

    @ljmyers I’ve been pumping almost since the beginning but trying to put her to breast too. Around 3 months we tried nursing one day and she did it with seemingly no issues. I was so excited and thought we might be able to finally nurse. She did a few feedings that day and I skipped those pumps...