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  1. M

    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @chris73 That was the easiest way for me to identify who Cindy was and who my daughter was talking about. I would have swapped out ethnicity if Cindy was white, filipino or whatever. But im pretty sure she learned about black at school. They learn all things of bad things there man. Just like...
  2. M

    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @chris73 Do they need to know the why at that age? Is it enough just saying those words are bad words? My daughter has a black friend named Cindy. One day she was talking about Cindy and I asked “is that your black friend”, she shushed me and told me not to say that word. She was 6 at the time...
  3. M

    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @chris73 There is a difference between the -er and the -a though. Usually when its said with the -er, thats when there’s a problem