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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @kristen76 congrats yourself dude! it’s an amazing journey so far and i’m learning more everyday. the worst part for me so far is my wife thinking she’s hideous, which she isn’t
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @faithisking i work with my father in law and he couldn’t believe i didn’t say a word the last month lol, congrats though, it’s going to be an awesome moment when you share it with others
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @gurshwin I plan on taking care of her the entire time, she’s carrying my baby! I also will be at every single appointment every step of the way. Luckily I can kind of make my own hours being a plumber, my bosses love me too and i have a huge support system between them and my family. life is good.
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @dshope same here, i can already tell it’s going to get better for the simple fact he called me
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @dshope thanks dude! i’m sure my dad will be calling me all the time now
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @paulafloyd i really can’t wait, i really want a girl, my sister passed away 7 years ago and the due date is around her birthday. Would be indescribable.
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @katrina2017 not naming the child Chalupa Batman though lol
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @katrina2017 I appreciate that, thanks for looking out! ALL OF YOU!
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @katrina2017 downloading this now
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @kimmyrose we had the same situation, had a miscarriage after we told everyone, so we just wanted to be sure it was for sure happening! thanks though, it’s an awesome feeling. you’ll have to keep me updated too!
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    @winterreise we’ve known for a few weeks now, and everyday creates more anxiety! good anxiety though, and thanks a lot! been waiting for this moment for a long time. (i’m 30)
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    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    just wanted to share my excitement, we told our parents this past weekend and i’m just through the roof stoked. my wife is 9 weeks today, so it’s still early, but things are already changing around the house. our first baby, my parents being grandparents, hers as well, everything is awesome...