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  1. S

    Help with sleep training

    @markz Definitely beating myself up for not training earlier lol thank you for your input, I’m open to anything that works.
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    Help with sleep training

    Also, when sleep training, should I specifically start at night or can I start with nap time in their cribs?
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    Help with sleep training

    @lostandinsecure Do you recommend night weaning first then sleep training?
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    Help with sleep training

    @lostandinsecure I do have a strict schedule with them, it’s not perfect but wake times and night sleep times are the same, it’s just in between that’s more or less up to them between the hours I’ve mentioned. I’ll look into guides and see, but they are self soothers and sleep independently so...
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    Help with sleep training

    @lostandinsecure When they actually nap, it’s usually not for too long. Sometimes they just fight it entirely, so I’ll skip it and that’s when they’re overly tired and fighting it. It’s been rough lol like idk if I’m supposed to just let them “cry it out” for naps or what and maybe them not...
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    Help with sleep training

    @lostandinsecure They don’t nap well :( I try to stimulate them to the point where they’re tired so they can nap more, but they refuse to nap. I just resort to the 3 naps a day, whatever minutes or hours they decide. And sometimes they’re so tired and want to nap but they won’t, it’s been rough...
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    Help with sleep training

    @faye58 Thank you for this, I spent hours on the guides and now I’m cringing at my previous schedule lol sleep training started tonight!
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    Help with sleep training

    Mo/di twins are 6 months now and still sleep in their double bassinet in our room. We are ready for them to be in their room, we have 2 cribs. I’d love for them to sleep throughout the night, especially since the nursery is across the house and I’m not trying to run around all night. So how do...