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    My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

    @dan311204 Happy cake day! And im glad you recovered from it!
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    My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

    @tonyj88 That must have been horrible! Being sick whilst your small baby is a patient as well, traumatic and horrible. Im glad you all got better. And also a good thing you called them. Getting here early does make a difference and im glad i got him here when i did ♥️
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    My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

    @katrina2017 Thank you! Im so sorry you went through that with your boy. Im glad you trusted your gut!
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    My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

    @jewels77 Yes im excited about his fever coming down a little finally. I hope for good news in the morning ♥️
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    My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

    @jewels77 They started him on antibiotics. They seem to work as his fever is down a little finally. They ruled out a bacterial meningitis infection (which is great as its the most dangerous one) but his infection stats do indicate it is bacterial so either he has something bacterial and a viral...
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    My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

    UPDATE They have been treating him for meningitis since he came in because they didnt want to risk anything and it seemed like a viral infection. However they found meningococcal bacteria in his blood sample today and tomorrow we will know if the bacteria did in fact enter his spinal cord and or...