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    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @hopeful23 Omg I love this update!!! GO BABY GO! I'm so happy for you
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    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @hopeful23 Hoping tonight is smoother!!! Sometimes folks find that checks make it harder on babe so they cut them after a few days. You may consider that as well. If there is still a lot of crying at bedtime after a couple more days - it should drastically drop after day 1 - might be a schedule...
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    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    @hopeful23 Hugs to you! The first night is always hard! Some answers/thoughts: 1. Yes - sleep training is not the same as night weaning. Focus on independent sleep for now 2. Perhaps try moving the feed to the middle of the wake window or near the end but not right before nap/sleep 3. 3 hr is on...
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    2 under 2: Give me all your sleep advice

    @feargod102501 You're so welcome!!! You're gonna do great.
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    2 under 2: Give me all your sleep advice

    @feargod102501 I totally know how you feel and I felt the same way before baby 2 arrived and even in the first couple weeks before my husband went back to work. I kept trying to think through every scenario and be like ok what if this happens??? But the truth is you don't have to deal with every...
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    2 under 2: Give me all your sleep advice

    @feargod102501 My first baby was almost exactly 2 years old when my second was born in September. Here are some quick hot tips (not all sleep related) before I break down where we are at currently: - for the first couple of weeks or however long you are both home I highly recommend splitting...