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  1. R

    Hype me up and tell me I CAN do a short international flight alone with my two kids (3 years and 9 months)

    @docmrm In addition to ordering a light/easy travel car seat, you can get special straps that are meant to strap the seat to your carryon luggage, so you can just wheel it around together. Plus, it’s okay to just be clunky and awkward with a bunch of stuff in the airport!!
  2. R

    I didn’t negotiate when I should have. Is 8 months too early to ask for a raise?

    @omandi111 I agree with the others here - ask for the raise. And, I’m not taking your husbands side here as his comment about you “making nothing” was a real dick move and undermines everything else he has to say, but it’s worth it to keep in mind that this aggressive mindset is one of the big...
  3. R

    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @dan3752001 I am not a confrontational person but I can’t imagine responding to a stranger’s request to hold my baby with anything less than, “hell no; wtf is wrong with you?!”