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  1. P

    What are babies like at 5-6 months

    @2bberean I also have a 6 month old and my experience is very similar. She wants to be involved in everything. Loves trying new foods and looking around. I can pop her in a high chair at a restaurant and give her some food so she eats with us. She loves it!
  2. P

    Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

    @sarnmere I liked the pitcher and your list is about right except we didn’t/don’t sterilize every day. We just hand washed the bottles with hot water and soap. The bottle warmer takes forever so if your baby will take cold formula, you could skip that. We would start the warmer then change...
  3. P

    Make your dental appointments

    @p8089 Ugh fine I’ll go