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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @tylerdurdon Thank you for sharing, comment pike yours give me hope. I am having follow up scan every 3 weeks. Next one is this friday. My SO is very involved and we’ve been getting ready for a c-section. I started really focusing on getting things ready.
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @sweetthing261 Thank you so much for your comment 🙏🏿❤️
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @prezil I have been a mess for the last hour. Thank you
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @prezil You are so right cause it did scare me to the core. I am gonna take it easy. I have an appointment with my provider on the 24th hopefully I’ll be able to see her before then. I was so scared that I thought about canceling plan, baby shower in my home state at 29 weeks etc..
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @prezil Thank you for sharing. That gives me hope. She said the way the placenta was snuggling the cervix, it is unlikely it will move. I hope she was just being overly cautious
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @butterfly2222 That brings me so much relief. I was on the internet searching and everywhere was like complete PP don’t usually resolve itself
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    I am 20w5 days and just came from my 20w ultrasound. After taking the pictures, the tech came back and told us she had to do a vaginal ultrasound per Dr order. Done, then after a couple minutes the Dr. came in the room and told us I have complete placenta previa. She told me that it is...