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  1. P

    My 6 year old son's drawings are worrying....l

    @nolt Yeah so you drew those
  2. P

    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @rengb121 We never co-slept, but when he was older, we'd bring him into our bed when he woke up at the ass crack of dawn, and he'd typically fall back asleep so we'd all get more rest. Once we switched to a toddler bed, he would just come straight in and get in bed with us in the morning. As...
  3. P

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @pulickalbrothers We did around 2.5. He's way happier in his car seat, gets in without a fuss, and doesn't get carsick on short trip's anymore. It has not fixed carsickness completely though and if we're ever going to be on a windy country road for a while or a long drive, we give him children's...