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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @pokerfaceblonde I would use a different brand. My experience with Mason brand glass products is that they crack from temperature changes very easily compared to other glass brands.
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    Breastfeeding one baby but not the other. How to get over mom guilt?

    @giantgecko Babies just want to bond, and there are many ways to achieve that. My first child nursed for 3 months and then was bottle fed pumped milk for the remainder of the time and there was virtually no change in our relationship when I was nursing him vs bottle feeding him. He looked into...
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    Did your baby’s poops get better after a while on Kendamil?

    @alb1erto1 I don’t have much personal experience with Kendamil but I’ve heard a lot of people say that Kendamil poops are more similar to breastmilk poops in that they’re a lot looser and yellow and seedy and unfortunately more prone to blowouts, but it’s not necessarily anything to worry about...
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @mikailao20 Someone has already addressed the flawed research behind the IQ claim, but I’d also like to add that many of the studies on formula fed babies being significantly sicker are questionable too. I don’t know where you’re located OP, but if you’re in a place with clean drinking water...